Friday, March 03, 2000


We love, we learn
To breathe, one breath
We indulge, we're hasty
One lip, a frown
All alone, all lonely a boost, put down
Let loose, be still
No prob, no thrill…
A life, a love,
We live…

-march 2, 2000-
-12:10 PM-
-harmony classroom-
-from tigger notebook-

No Goodbyes

also for Enrico

--you'll be gone…
in a blink of an eye…
who knows the future
what's in store for you--
who'll be there
to save lives--
to cause laughter
and mayhem, too--
--you'll be gone…
and now I cry--
twist in anguish
…an now I die--
'tis be true…
--you'll be gone…
I feel for you…

-march 2, 2000-
-9:14 AM-
-harmony classroom-
-from tigger notebook-